JUupiter ICy Explorer: Humanity's Voyage to the largest gas giant

JUupiter ICy Explorer: Humanity's Voyage to the largest gas giant 

The JUpiter ICy Moons Explorer, or JUICE for short, is an ambitious mission to explore Jupiter's moons, Europa, Callisto, and Ganymede. Scheduled to be launched on 13 April 2023 by the European Space Agency (ESA), the mission is expected to reach Jupiter's orbit in 2031, where it will spend at least three years studying these icy moons and their potential for life.

Mission Overview

Jupiter's four largest moons, known as the Galilean moons after their discoverer, are some of the most fascinating objects in the solar system. They are all thought to have subsurface oceans, which could potentially harbour life. Europa, in particular, has captured the attention of scientists for decades. Its icy surface is thought to conceal a world ocean twice as deep as Earth's oceans. The JUICE mission aims to study these oceans in detail, looking for signs of life and trying to understand the processes that shape these moons.

Instruments Aboard

Here is a table format for the scientific instruments aboard the JUICE mission, including their names, full forms, and uses:

Instrument NameFull FormUse
JANUSJovis, Amorum ac Natorum Undique ScrutatorHigh-resolution camera to image Jupiter and its moons
J-MAGJovian MagnetometerMeasures magnetic fields of Jupiter and its moons
RPWIRadio and Plasma Wave InvestigationMeasures plasma waves and radio emissions in Jupiter's magnetosphere
GALAGanymede Laser AltimeterMaps the surface of Ganymede
MAJISMoons and Jupiter Imaging SpectrometerMaps the composition of Jupiter and its moons
SWISubmillimetre Wave InstrumentMeasures the temperature and composition of Jupiter's atmosphere
JANUS GRJANUS Grand RaidWide-angle camera to image Jupiter and its atmosphere
UVSUV Imaging SpectrographMeasures the composition and structure of Jupiter's upper atmosphere

These instruments will allow scientists to study geology, composition, and potential for the habitability of Jupiter's moons, as well as the planet's atmosphere and magnetic fields. The data collected by these instruments will help us better understand the origins and evolution of the solar system, as well as the potential for life beyond Earth.

In addition to its scientific instruments, the JUICE spacecraft is also designed to be highly manoeuvrable. This will allow it to make close flybys of the moons, getting as close as 200 kilometres to Europa's surface. These flybys will provide detailed information about the moons' surface features, their geology, and the composition of their atmospheres.


One of the key objectives of the JUICE mission is to study the potential for life on these icy moons. Scientists believe that the subsurface oceans of Europa, Callisto, and Ganymede could harbour life, even in the absence of sunlight. The JUICE mission will look for signs of life, such as organic molecules, and study the conditions that could support life on these moons.

Moreover, the JUICE mission has the potential to answer some of the most fundamental questions about the solar system and the origins of life. For example, the subsurface oceans of Europa and other icy moons could provide a unique environment for the emergence of life. These oceans are shielded from the harsh radiation of space and may contain the necessary ingredients for life, such as liquid water and organic molecules. By studying these oceans, scientists hope to gain insights into the conditions that gave rise to life on Earth and discover new forms of life that may exist elsewhere in the universe.

But the JUICE mission is not just about science. It is also a technological feat, requiring a spacecraft that can withstand the harsh environment of Jupiter's radiation belts and operate in the extreme cold of deep space. The spacecraft is powered by solar panels that are more than 97 square meters in size, making it one of the largest solar-powered spacecraft ever built. It is also equipped with a range of other systems to ensure that it can survive any failures or malfunctions.

Mission Trajectory

The JUICE mission has a trajectory that spans over a decade, with numerous important milestones along the way. Here is a brief timeline of the mission:

  • 2022: The mission was launched from Kourou, French Guiana, aboard an Ariane 5 rocket.

  • 2023: JUICE will perform its first Earth flyby, which will provide a gravity assist to help propel the spacecraft towards Jupiter.

  • 2025: JUICE will perform a flyby of Venus, which will provide another gravity assist and allow scientists to study the planet's atmosphere.

  • 2026-2029: JUICE will perform a series of flybys of Jupiter's moons, including Ganymede, Europa, and Callisto. These flybys will allow the spacecraft to study the moon's geology, composition, and potential for habitability.

  • 2030-2033: JUICE will enter into orbit around Ganymede, becoming the first spacecraft to orbit a moon other than Earth or Mars. The spacecraft will continue to study the moon's surface, subsurface, and magnetosphere for several years.

Overall, the trajectory of the JUICE mission is a long and complex journey that will require precise navigation and communication with Earth. However, each milestone along the way brings us one step closer to unlocking the mysteries of the icy moons of Jupiter and expanding our understanding of the solar system.


However, the JUICE mission is not without its challenges. The spacecraft will have to withstand the intense radiation around Jupiter, which could cause damage to its sensitive instruments. In addition, the mission is highly complex and will require precise navigation and communication with Earth. Any errors or malfunctions could jeopardize the entire mission.

Despite these challenges, the JUICE mission represents a significant milestone in the exploration of the solar system. By studying the icy moons of Jupiter, we are unlocking some of the most profound mysteries of the universe, including the origins of life itself. The JUICE mission is a testament to human ingenuity, and it demonstrates our ongoing commitment to exploring the unknown and pushing the boundaries of what is possible.


In addition to its scientific objectives, the JUICE mission also has important practical applications. For example, the mission will help scientists better understand the radiation environment around Jupiter, which is one of the most intense in the solar system. This information could be used to develop better radiation shielding for future spacecraft and astronauts. The mission will also help scientists better understand the geological processes that shape the icy moons of Jupiter, which could have important implications for our understanding of the evolution of the solar system.

The JUICE mission is also significant because it represents a major investment in space exploration by the ESA and its international partners. The mission is part of a broader effort to explore the solar system and to develop new technologies that will enable us to explore even further. By investing in space exploration, we are not only advancing our scientific knowledge but also creating new industries and generating economic growth.

Image Credits:

JUICE image: EuroNews

JUICE parts image: National Academy of Engineering
